Packaging Research
Not seen means not purchased. How well does your pack stand out in cluttered retail environments?
Our eye tracking studies allow you to see precisely what shoppers see and miss as they browse products at the Point Of Purchase (POP). We help clients evaluate existing packaging, as well as collaborating to test and design new concepts.
Eye tracking can be incorporated into Pack and Shelf testing to provide insights including:
Does your pack stand out on shelf?
How easy is it to find or differentiate variants?
What are the key pack elements shoppers read?
How does your pack compare with the competition?
How likely are shoppers to buy a new design or concept?
Which design is the most effective?
Tailored to your particular project requirements, Gateway can conduct eye tracking pack research:

Live testing of packaging in-store
In-lab with physical shelves and products
Within virtual reality environments including online, on-screen and immersive 3D
Validate e-commerce packaging within retailer platform environments